Project BERT in Edmonton, AB
Welcome To BERT
Belize Emergency Response Team (BERT) is a non-profit, non-governmental organization. BERT specializes in pre-hospital care in the form of emergency response and transportation.
What makes BERT special?
- Extensive training
- Nationally and Internationally accepted standards
- Influence the delivery of emergency medical services countrywide
- Collaboration and coordination with all local health care facilities to ensure the best possible patient care

We are the only qualified provider in the country of Belize
November 19th, 2013
The idea of moving the Belize City BERT station/offices from the ground floor to the upper floor was born of necessity and practicality. In addition that the stress of the hurricane season about to start, June 2013, that month also made a year that the upper floor was unoccupied. Loss of revenue and the thought of yet another evacuation upstairs for a hurricane was overwhelming! WE needed the rental fees of course, but wanting to rent only as an office proved to be limiting.
The lower floor had become cluttered and disorganized. Storage space became a significant issue as our needs increased, especially as we have developed a striving training Centre as An International Training Organization of the American Heart Association.
Took us a while to get to it but finally at the end of October after three difficult weeks of carefully coordinating movement to facilitate the renovations which took place concurrently,
While avoiding any disruption of service, we are happy to share the results:
- Functional and efficient utilization of available space
- No more hurricane evacuation to upper floor stress
- Adequate, comfortable and attractive training venue
- Organized & secure storage for medical and training supplies. Ample protected file storage
- We are confident that the sacrifice to make this much needed change and complete the facelift will be well worth the effort as we are about to close off a busy 2013 and welcome 2014!
BERT offers:
- Emergency Response Service twenty-four hours per day, three hundred and sixty-five days per year.
- Ambulance transfer services between medical facilities, airports, homes, etc.
- Air ambulance emergency and transfer services (daylight hours), within country and internationally to Mexico, Guatemala and Honduras.
- Medical accompaniment services including cruise ships, sporting events, etc.

Education is a major factor in our endeavour to deliver quality emergency medical care to Belize.
Training began in 1996 to increase the skills and availability of Medics countrywide. Over two hundred persons have been trained. Our most recent accomplishment is becoming an International Training Organization for the American Heart Association.

Courses offered:
- First Aid
- Cardio Pulmonary Resuscitation (CPR)
- Basic Life Support (BLS)
- Advance Cardiac Life Support (ACLS)
- Pediatric Advance Cardiac Life Support (PALS)
- Emergency Medical Technician (EMT)
- Medical First Responder Training (MFR)

For more information on training, contact us at [email protected]
Tourist Evacuation indicator:
BERT provides tourist evacuation and other emergency & transfer services within the country.We also provide international emergency and non-emergency service mainly to Merida, Mexico and Guatemala City.
How to support this essential service:
- Annual grant to operating funds
- Deposit to Endowment Funds
- Donation for ambulances and other Equipment
- Offer specialized training/ support
Support BERT
Why support BERT?
Inability of Belizeans to pay for emergency service
- From a social medicine background, a large percentage of the Belizean population is not able/willing to pay for service.
Quality service for all
- BERT is able to serve the private and public population equally.
- The Board of Directors will not assume the responsibility of partial service. BERT is either Full Service or No Service!
Increasing Expenses
- Demand and cost continue to increase!
- Since 2006 BERT has been surviving without the Wagner's Foundation's yearly grant, limited resources are depleted.
- BERT has increased earnings but realizes that we will continue to experience a shortfall of funds as cost continues to exceed income.
- Large investments have been made; it would be a shame to close BERT down.
Benefits the community
- This service is a benefit to our community!
- The life you save may be yours!
SUPPORT BERT - The life you save may be yours
1675 Sunrise Avenue . Coral Grove Area . P.O. Box 1370 . Belize City . Tel: 223-3292 or [email protected]